Friday, November 4, 2011

Graphic Organizers

Graphic organizers provide an interesting way for a writer to outline their thoughts before they put their pen to paper (or fingers to computer keys!).  There are many forms that can be used -- based on the purpose of the writing.  describes the different  types of graphic organizers and how they could be used with students.  has a variety of forms in pdf format to print off and use.  This site is maintained by the company, Houghton Mifflin.

Here are some examples from the site: Sandwich: uses different parts of a sandwich to outline details for a story

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Voce of America for ELL ...and maybe basic English readers

Who knew that Voice of American has a wide variety of topics, news, practice session, vocabulary building activities???  The site is well done with podcasts, audio articles sentence by sentence that is read to those interested  in learning English.. It has a dictionary, matching activities that could be used by adult basic new readers. The topics are of adult interest.  Check it out and let us know what you think.