Thursday, December 27, 2012

Tuition Increase Drops Enrollment

Beginning July 2011, adults have to pay $90 for a year’s tuition if considered instate in Florida. Out of state tuition costs $240 for a year. In Jacksonville Inmates now have to pay out of state tuition to take adult education classes funded by the school system. The state does not recognize inmates as state residents there. This tuition has increased the demand for the library program while school systems across the state are seeing a 30% to 70% drop depending on the county reported Greg Smith, Executive Director of the Florida Literacy Coalition.

Services to Inmates

Sandy Newell monitored the Expanding Horizons Adult Literacy Project, 12-LSTA-B-03 and observed a grant paid staff member teach inmates at the local jail skills to prepare them to take the GED. The library provides the only free instruction at the jail. Getting the GED improves their chances of getting a job when they leave prison

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Center for Adult Learning: Expanding Horizons Adult Literacy Project

This is the 4th year for Jacksonville Public Library's project "Expanding Horizons Adult Literacy Project" which is implemented by the Center for Adult Literacy (CAL) by Sharon Jaskula (in photo on the right), longtime manager of CAL. Last year this project served 964 adults, a 7% increase over the previous year. This project provides solutions to a local literacy crisis and continues to increase learning opportunities for adults with limited reading and functioning skills.  During FY 2012-2013, the Center for Adult Learning is continuing to provide Adult Basic Education and English as a Second Language instruction. They are projecting to serve a minimum of 1,000 adult learners.  The Center is continuing to reach out to a growing refugee population and provide health, financial, and family-oriented seminars/activities to enhance literacy and English language instruction to the community. The staff is also providing literacy services to two county jails in the area.