Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Adult Orientated Stories, Games, Nonfiction and more

Looking for an interesting adult oriented site that mixes up audio, books, movies, games and more, then check out Candlelight Stories.  In October scary themes were highlighted.  Check it out to find a ghoulish game where you shoot the vampires.  On October 25, the home page featured the movie, Day the World Ended, a 1955 , a film by Roger Corman and a horror short, Legend of Michigan's Dogman.

You can down load free podcasts that are fun to listen to.  Some are based on classics with books free to download.  Other free podcasts are written around books that can be purchased in paperback or as an ebook. from the web site.

The site has short stories like Reaping, written by an Australian author.  Since it is Australian, some of the language is different.  Torch is the word for a flashlight in the story.  This might make it a harder read--especially for English Language Learners who are working on American English vocabulary. It is not a real low level story but would be  high interest for adults and teens.  A woman comes home to her farm from a night of partying and finds her lights out and her cat dead.  The story is very short --which does make it an easier read.

Do be aware that the site does have some advertising.  For example, when you listen to a story, there ma be a promo for other resources on the site.

I like this site --because it is accessible, uses multimedia and fun...and more importantly appropriate for adults.  It does get political at times.  There are postings related to the Occupy movement.

Check it out and let us know what you think.  Are there parts you like or dislike?  Tell us in the comments below.


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