Saturday, December 1, 2012

Transition at ProLiteracy

ProLiteracy has historically been the national group to represent and provide resources for volunteer adult literacy groups. They just announced that board chair Kevin Morgan has been appointed interim president and CEO of the organization following the departure of David C. Harvey. They are looking for a new CEO. It will be interesting to see who takes Harvey's place and whether that makes a difference in the direction ProLiteracy takes.

VALF is a member of ProLiteracy.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Newspaper Stories with Online Learning Activities

Adult Learning Activities provides a menu of topics with newspaper articles designed to be used by adult learners independently. Topics are: working, law and government, family, school, health and safety, housing, money, science and technology, services, going places and nature. Each article can be read as s summary or s a longer story.

You can listen to the story, learn new words, spell the words, answer questions related to the story and print or e-mail your results.