Monday, November 5, 2012

A helpful website for adult learners who want to get their CNA

Does your student have the goal of becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)? While they are working on their reading skills in your adult literacy program, it might be helpful to direct them to Not only does this set of CNA study flashcards cover critical vocabulary found on the CNA exam, it also dictates vocabulary and definitions to students! New words such as "ligaments," "cerebellum," "endocardium," or "trachea" might seem intimidating to ABE students at first, but this website helps students get used CNA jargon.

An additional bonus: students and/or tutors can print out ready-made index cards with vocabulary and definitions to study from!

1 comment:

  1. Great post. I'm also preparing for CNA and I use flashcard app of Superflashcard. I find its database with systematic flashcards can help me have effective approach to set up my plan for the exam. I think it's also useful. The site of this app here:!category/993549/cna-exam-flashcards/
