As your start the new year, it is a good time to step back and take a look at how well you are managing your volunteer literacy program.
Here is a checklist of things to consider:
1. How effective is your initial and ongoing tutor training? What works and what needs improving? What is one change you can easily make to improve the program?
2. After matching, are you spending enough time with tutors and students to ensure all is going well? For example:
Do you have regular contact with matched pairs to see how things are going? Do you have volunteers (former tutors, students, teachers, etc.) calling, emailing or texting each tutor and each student to check in. Students calling students is a good way for students to give back and to really find out how instruction is working?
3. Are you using administrative volunteers? This job is good for those who can't give weekly but can come in a day a month or two or three days every quarter in between their travels.
4. Are your forms up to date? Have you reviewed your program's policies within the last two or three years to see if they are still effective?
5. Are you adding new technologies to your program that will benefit students? Do you have a couple of volunteers who are taking the lead on this? Do you do targeted advertising to find volunteers with specific skills needed in your program?
The Citrus County Public Library is one of our many Florida libraries that provide direct instruction. Take a look at their web page to learn more. They have a handout to help tutors get started. If you program has something similar, please share examples with us. Email the link or the handout to
VALF provides a program management workshop for members. Email if you would like to host a workshop in your area.
Happy New Year to all ....
From the VALF Board... Thanks for all you do...
Monday, December 29, 2014
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Library Grant Opportunity
Grant Opportunity for
Sparks Ignition Grants are due to the Institute of Museum
and Library Services by February 2, 2015. These small grants of $10,000 to
$25,000 are to encourage libraries and archives to test and evaluate specific
innovations. They can support deployment, testing and evaluation of promising
and groundbreaking new tools, products, services or organizational practices.
Identified problems should be relevant to many libraries and include
significant innovation. For more information go to their website and
sign up for the webinar on Tuesday, January 6, at 4 pm ET.
Want to know more about IMLS 2015 grant opportunities, read
their guide.
We have no idea of what might be considered innovative in the context of adult literacy and libraries, but here are some ideas to help you start thinking
- Set up a reading better program targeting adult learners who want to be entrepreneurs or who run their own small business. Provide space in your library for their "virtual" office. Provide volunteers and staff to help them learn to read better while establishing their business
- Find unusual partners, funeral homes, car dealerships, bars and others to recruit volunteer tutors.Take pictures with the staff and ask them to post the pictures with information about your library literacy program on THEIR web page.
- Develop a tutor training program using smart phones and apps as the technology students and tutors could use for adult basic education lessons.
- Provide cooking classes for adult learners where they learn to read better by reading recipes and cooking together. Publish a local cookbook with lessons. Have students take their baked goods to your county commision meeting to thank them for funding your adult literacy program. As part of the program, loan out cooking utensils, recruit chiefs to be involved, partner with local farmers and more.If you have ideas you consider innovative, share them in comments on our blog.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Gadsden Tutor Training Workshop
VALF is providing a
free tutor training workshop in Quincy at the Gadsden County Public Library
this Saturday. The follow are
assignments for tutor trainees to be completed by the 2nd tutor
training day in January. Gadsden County trainees are also asked to view this blog for additional
tutoring tips, share their questions and add comments as part of the tutor
Basic Reading Tutor
Training Assignment
Click on link.
At ProLiteracy Ed Net, click on name of class
Click on Register to this class
Click on Log on
Click on Register now
Optional courses
as an Online Learner
to Volunteering in Literacy
A Way With
Words: Strategies for Strengthening Adult Learners' Vocabularies
Potential through Multi-Intelligent Literacy Instruction
Required courses - 3 out of the 5 courses below
Working With
Adult Literacy Learners
of Adult Learning
Awareness Instruction for Adult Literacy Learners
the Reading Process
During and After -- A Reading Comprehension Technique
If you have not done any online courses, do Succeeding as an Online Learner.
Friday, November 7, 2014
Next VALF Board Meeting Tuesday at 7 pm ET
Our recent VALF retreat will be the main topic for our next board meeting on November 11 at 7 pm. Let Sandy Newell know if you want to come.
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Monday, November 3, 2014
OTAN adult education newsletter
We are pleased to release the Fall 2014 edition of the OTAN Online Connection newsletter, which may be accessed here:
Archived copies of previous OTAN newsletters are available at this link:
OTAN Staff
The OTAN Staff
Friday, October 17, 2014
Workforce Innovation Potential Funding Opportunity --webinar October 20, 10 am CDT
On October 27, 2014, the American Library
Association will join the Department of Education and the Department of Labor
in hosting “$2.2 Billion Reasons to Pay Attention to WIOA,” an interactive webinar
that will explore ways that public and community college libraries can receive
funding for employment skills training and job search assistance from the
recently-passed Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014. Registration
for the event will open Monday, Oct 20, 2014, at 10:00 a.m. CDT. Space is limited.
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
allows public and community colleges to be considered additional One-Stop
partners a
ProLiteracy Conference Proposals Due Dec 14
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ProLiteracy’s Conference on Adult Literacy
From October 15-18, 2015, in Charleston, South Carolina, ProLiteracy’s Conference on Adult Literacy
will bring together a dynamic group of individuals and organizations
that are committed to responding to the literacy and education needs of
the nation and the world. CALL FOR PROPOSALS Deadline: December 19, 2014
the tremendous success of our past conferences and with your ongoing
input, we've designed our 2015 national conference around the most
pressing issues facing our field today—from
technology to fundraising; from instruction to advocacy; from
citizenship to GED/HSE preparation; and much more! All the while, we're
keeping costs more affordable than ever in a beautiful, historic
location with much to see and do.
ProLiteracy Conference planning team is looking for presentations that
share proven successful strategies and practical tools for adult
literacy instruction, program management and leadership, and advocacy.All proposals must be submitted by December 19, 2014. Proposal selection will begin thereafter.
If you have questions, please contact the ProLiteracy conference team at
Privacy Policy | Email Preferences |
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
VALF Board Agenda October 14
Agenda, October 14, Tuesday 7 pm
Treasurers & Membership Report
Presidents Report
Retreat Report & Agree on Next Steps: Jim Wilder
Treasurers & Membership Report
Presidents Report
Retreat Report & Agree on Next Steps: Jim Wilder
October 14
Friday, October 3, 2014
VALF Grant Opportunity --due December 1 --DEADLINE EXTENDED TO DEC 15
VALF will be awarding another round of grants in 2015 to Florida's volunteer literacy programs. Go to the application to learn more.
This year we are providing our members a two-step process. A draft application is due on December 1 with a final application due in March. You must turn in the draft and a revised application in March to be considered.
In between, Jim Wilder, a VALF board member will provide technical assistance to help you prepare a more competitive grant. This special opportunity is to help you gain grant writing skills.
This year we are providing our members a two-step process. A draft application is due on December 1 with a final application due in March. You must turn in the draft and a revised application in March to be considered.
In between, Jim Wilder, a VALF board member will provide technical assistance to help you prepare a more competitive grant. This special opportunity is to help you gain grant writing skills.
grant writing
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Grant Opportunity for Libraries - due October 13
Deadline extended to Oct. 13 to apply for The American Dream
Starts @ your library grant funding
Grants available to libraries to fund programs
and resources for adult English language learners in Dollar General communities
Monday, October 13 is the new deadline for libraries to apply for grants
ranging from $5,000 to $15,000 to support programs aimed at enhancing
adult literacy through The American Dream Starts @ your library®
American Dream Starts @ your library® is administered through the American
Library Association (ALA) Office for Literacy and Outreach Services and has
provided funding to over 100 libraries across the United States since
2008. Public libraries interested in improving services to English language
learners through holding classes, tutor training, expanding collections,
purchasing technology or improving public awareness are invited to apply. These
grants mark the fourth round of grants made possible through funding from the
Dollar General Literacy Foundation, which has renewed its commitment to the
initiative through a $327,512 grant to ALA.
To be
eligible for funding, the applicant institution must be a public library, or a
public library with a bookmobile providing literacy services for adult English
language learners, and must be within 20 miles of a Dollar General store,
distribution center or corporate office.
Monday, September 29, 2014
October is Health Literacy Month. There are many resources available on health. The Florida Literacy Coalition has a health literacy curriculum that can be downloaded or print copies can be ordered.
Thursday, September 25, 2014
GCF Learns Fun Reading Lessons
GCF Learns is a free, yes I said FREE!, online site to learn basic reading and speaking skills. You can learn other skills too, like microsoft products. The basic reading site focuses on 1,000 words with a variety of activities for different learning styles. It has a section for ELL and another for basic reading.
If your student is comfortable with games, he or she will like the reading game activities. This site is available on a smart phone. This means students can learn on the go, standing in line or waiting in the car to pick up their child and more.
Many lessons include video and/or audio. A student can use it even if they have lower reading skills. There is even a lesson on how to bake a cake.
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