Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Filing for Unemployment--an Opportunity

Consider developing a partnership between the literacy program and your library to help with a new demand.  Beginning August 1, 2011, some of the rules changed for filing for unemployment.  Adults now have to file for benefits online.  Previously they had the choice to file online or make a phone call.  New applicants also have to complete a skill survey--which is being called discriminatory by some-- for those who cannot read well enough to complete the survey.  Adults are scrambling to meet the requirements and are waiting inline at computers in libraries.  Learn how you can help....

What can you do???? Your literacy program's trained tutors could help staff library computers set aside for E-Government.  Adults usually need longer than the time limits in libraries for their regular computers.  Libraries need to set up E-government and adult literacy computers to allow two at a station.  I know volunteers are in short supply, but there will be some out there who would be interested.  Tutors may be able to volunteer monthly to staff a computer to help someone apply for unemployment --when they cannot  tutor weekly.  They could come in one day a month. Mondays and Tuesdays are busy days for filing.   Snowbirds who get some training in working with those who cannot read well are another pool a literacy program can tap in partnership with their library.

If your literacy program wants to build a closer relationship with your public library, this may be an opportunity.  Again,  I know that we don't have enough volunteers --and thus you may be wondering why you should share???  Well, the more a literacy programs help the library as a partner, the more you will get back. Even though money is in short supply, many libraries have funds for literacy books, online literacy instruction  and more etc.

You probably have unused talent in your program. Often programs have trouble matching tutors because of scheduling or location issues.  This could be one way to tap into a volunteers interest in giving their time at their preferred library.  It might even be a way to use unemployed volunteers interested in helping.  They would know this process well.

Let VALF know what you think and share other strategies below related to partnership opportunities.

Sandy Newell, President, VALF

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