Friday, February 8, 2013

Follow the Directions in the Guidelines

I've written and reviewed many applications in my career, and one of the easiest tips I can give you is to read the guidelines. And, even more importantly, answer every topic or question in the guidelines. An easy way to do this is to list all of the topics in an outline form as a first step to writing. Then as you write, answer that topic. Having the topic as a heading in your proposal will help you make sure you answer every topic and make it easier for grant readers to find your answers.

This seems like such a simple strategy but it can make a difference on whether your application is even considered.  Not following the guidelines can put you out of the running before it is read. If the guidelines say 10 pages, write 10 pages not 11! In the past VALF has had to not consider a proposal when an applicant went over our page limit.

VALF President, Sandy Newell

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