Saturday, February 23, 2008

Communicating with Your Tutors

Prices continue to rise requiring volunteer literacy programs to get more creative in their communications. First class stamps go up in May to 42 cents. Programs need to use emailing and other electronic tools to save dollars and cents.

I know that there are folks out there who don't use email. But it can certainly save a program money. Why don't you be as proactive as possible to help tutors and students set up accounts. Use incentives to reward those who use it. You could give out "prizes" for those who use email. Why don't you share effective ways your programs communicate in the comments section of this post.

You could use a blog like this one to post announcments. It is an easy place to post upcoming events, newsletters and time sensitive items. Blogs are free and are interactive because anyone can post a comment. You can also set it up to receive a notice via your email when a blog is changed. The blogger can also add tags which make it easier for the public to find information in a blog.
For more about blogging go to

You can even have your own wiki like wikipeida, the source of the above article. Wikis are another tool I'll write about later.

Sandy Newell,
President, Literacy Florida volunteers

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