Sunday, February 17, 2008

Writing and Getting Published

Adult Learner Essay Book
For many of us writing isn't easy, and this is even more true for adult learners. Because of this, it is important for tutors to include writing within lessons. It helps when the writing is for a purpose. You can include journal writing in each lesson or help students do practical tasks like preparing a grocery list or e-mailing a spouse in Iraq. You can also motivate students by asking them to write their life story.

When students share their stories in writing or as public speakers, funders can better understand why we need literacy programs. As dollars continue to be cut, this becomes more and more vital. If you get your student's permission, you can send their story to key community leaders or to those who "control" your program. Students are the best ones to advocate for your program.

Joses DeMoranville wrote his story of living on the streets in New York titled, Living My Dream. It was published in the 2007 edition of student essays by the Florida Literacy Coalition. Joses is a board member of our organization. He also serves on the student advisory committee of the Coalition. You can download the book of essays which includes his story at
Joses got his basic literacy skills through the Palm Beach County Library literacy program. He then completed high school through the Leon County School ACE program. Joses' story is on page 55 of the book.

There is still time for your student to get his or her own story published. The deadline for student stories for 2008 has been extended to March 7.

Letter Writing Campaign
Students have also been asked to write to their congressman through April 2007 to get the federal dollars increased. The funding for adult adult education has been severely cut. To learn more about how to write a letter go to our wiki at
We posted the most recent announcement of ProLiteracy.

Picture of a St. Patty Parade from
Florida Memory

Write Around Florida
People enjoy writing about their home town or around subjects they know. There are thousands of Florida pictures you can use at the web site.

The site also has a new online writing tool. Go to
Select a picture, write a story and download it.
Your story is saved to a word file along with the photo. It then can be edited and rewritten. This is an easy way to prepare a final copy for the essay book or prepare a story to give to a family member.

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